PRESS: Deben Cherub 'Ariel' is launched


Oct 28, 2019

On Friday 25 October, the Deben Cherub 'Ariel' was launched at The Woodbridge Boatyard after undergoing renovation of her topsides this summer. Much of the work was carried out and overseen by Tim Everson, her owner and great grandson of The Woodbridge Boatyard's founder. With her old caulking raked out, handmade larch splines shaped to go between each plank and fresh oakum caulking in place, she has been repainted and now sits alongside her sisters, ‘Cherub’, after whom the rest of the class are named, ‘Rohaise II’, ‘Lynette’ and ‘Fortuna’ all back in the yard where they were built.


Patrycja Nowak